Help Macclesfield to help Barnaby

Photo: Viktoria Suranovska

Macclesfield Town Council are asking for your views on the funding of Barnaby and other arts and culture activities in the town, as part of a 2019/2020 budget consultation. And they’d like to hear your views before Sunday 30th September.

The Town Council currently fund Barnaby with an annual grant of £7,500 which goes towards the planning and delivery of the Festival.

The Council are encouraging residents to respond to the consultation by using the link here.
The questions relating specifically to Barnaby are:
a. Is the Barnaby Festival a good thing for Macclesfield?
b. Should the Town Council provide more funding for arts events and projects or less funding? Or is this about the right amount?

There’s also a paper version of the consultation which went out in Local People this month.

Whichever way you choose to do it, your support is invaluable in keeping the Festival going in challenging times.

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