The Art & Soul Man inspires Pott Shrigley children

Artist and gifted communicator Chris Gilbert – known to many as The Art & Soul Man – has worked with the children of Pott Shrigley Church School to design and create a stunning mosaic to be displayed in the school entrance. 

The project commenced with a design session where ideas were shared and sketched to incorportate imagery and the school values: Compassion, Koinonia and Respect. Each child had the chance to create a mosaic candle artwork to hone their skills before participating in two further ‘Mosaic Days’ that saw the design populated with hundreds of tiny tiles. Chris presented the completed artwork to the children in an engaging song-based assembly inviting all of the children to ‘play your part in God’s Fine Art and take your place in the Great Mosaic.’ 

Reflecting on the project headteacher Ms Bromley said ‘the children were absolutely absorbed by Chris’s engaging storytelling and explanations of the project – he really inspired all of the children to take ownership of the artwork right from the start.’

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