communityonline usually limits posts to items directly affecting Macclesfield, but I`ve become so incensed watching the Euro crisis every night on television I had to express my thoughts or explode. And, of course one way or another we are all of us going to have to pay, wherever we live, for either our own government`s or the EU`s failures.

Many believe that the economic firestorm currently being played out in Greece will spread to Spain, Portugal and Italy and could prove to signal the end of the Euro. Some even believe this could be the beginning of the end of the EU.

I confess that I have always struggled to understand the benefits of us being in the EU. I see the advantages of free trade between member nations but fail to understand the need for the vast bureaucracy or European Parliament – apart from providing jobs for yet another layer of politicians voting on directives designed to over-rule member nation`s law. And, if we are governed by Europe, how long before the Eurocrats pose the question what`s the point of the UK having its own Parliament?

I`m afraid I turned wholly anti the moment I discovered that around one third of the EU`s astronomical annual budget is used merely to facilitate the movement of documentation between the two headquarters of Brussels and Strasbourg. I kid you not, hundreds of pantechnicons transporting thousands of filing cabinets backwards and forwards every couple of weeks. Apparently this was agreed when the EU or Common Market as it was then, was first established. The EU has since expanded massively, but the fact that it is a nonsense that the member countries can no longer afford is an irrelevance. And, how can this be squared with EU legislation insisting that member countries reduce their use of fossil fuels and private transport?

Now we are being told that the EU needs trillions more of our money to shore up the Euro. That`s OUR money. Money that will have to come from my, and your pocket.

If you think it`s tough now? You ain`t seen nothin` yet!

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