Take care – the scammers are after you

Due to the increase in Christmas shopping, you may receive more e-mails, texts and calls due to purchases you’ve made.

You may be receiving cold calls, e-mails or text messages concerning orders you’ve made but be aware that these calls, e-mails and messages may not be genuine and could potentially be a scam to get your personal details. Some of these messages go as far as imitating a popular company so that they look genuine to attempt to lure people into sharing details. Do not open links in an e-mail that you can’t confirm is genuine even if they appear to be so.

Most retailers do not require further details after a purchase. If somebody asks you for details, the safest option is to hang up and call back the support number of the retailer which you can find online who will be able to confirm whether or not the request is genuine.

Below is a link to the Age UK Scams Awareness PDF which will assist you in recognising and avoiding common scams and attempted fraud.

Age UK Avoiding Scams

Be alert and stay safe out there.

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