Have your say on police tax

These are very tough times, perhaps not the best time for the police to be asking us if we’re happy to pay even more on our council tax precept.

It’s unlikely you’ll be aware of this – as the survey isn’t widely publicised – we only found details online.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire has launched his annual Police Budget 2025/26 Survey in which residents are asked to approve the police precept – the part of your council tax that goes towards Cheshire Constabulary – for the coming year.

Last year around 3,000 residents, from a total of over 1 million, responded.

Anyone living in a D rated property will have paid a whopping £262.94 police precept!

Band D property council tax for 2024-25

And as around two thirds of the respondents – circa 2,000, probably most of them employees of Cheshire Police – registered approval, it was deemed that the proposed increases had been supported by the majority of Cheshire council tax payers.

The percentages don’t sound much, but a small increase year on year compounds up to a huge amount after just a few years – and bear in mind every council tax payer will be paying it.

With energy costs going through the roof, the fire authority and Macclesfield Town Council pursuing the same – plus we’re expecting an eye-watering increase from Cheshire East who are fighting a £100 million black hole, a few individually small amounts could mean breaking point for many.

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