Protect your pooch!

In response to the increased fear of pet theft, Neighbourhood Watch has launched the PROTECT YOUR POOCH campaign. 

The campaign will run on social media from 17th – 30th May but those who do not use social media can support the campaign by displaying this poster in their community, or attending our online Dog Theft webinar on the 27th May at 5pm.  The webinar will be led by Neighbourhood Watch Network with speakers from the Met Police and Crimestoppers, as well as special guest speaker Katy Bourne, PCC for Sussex. To book your place, click here.

The PROTECT YOUR POOCH campaign encourages people to keep their pets SECURE, IN SIGHT and SEARCHABLE, and to HELP MAKE PET THEFT A SPECIFIC CRIMINAL OFFENCE.  The Met Police and Crimestoppers are backing our SECURE, IN SIGHT and SEARCHABLE message.  More information on the campaign can be found on

You can support the campaign by acting on our advice and sharing our messages in the following ways:

  1. Follow us on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn and share our campaign posts
  2. Print this poster and display it in your community
  3. Share this campaign image on your local Whatsapp groups
  4. Help make pet theft a specific criminal offence by signing a petition or writing to your MP. Find out more on
  5. Attend our online Dog Theft webinar on 27th May, 5pm. Book your place here.

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