Council staff join ‘rough sleep’

Cheshire East Council staff joined volunteers in a mass ‘rough sleep’ under the stars – to highlight the plight of homeless young people.

The plucky 26 adults and youngsters in sleeping bags braved wind and rain outside the pavilion in Crewe’s Queen’s Park to raise awareness of the issues of rough sleepers as part of Children’s Rights month and boost the coffers of Children in Need 2015.

Among those taking part were council officers, Cheshire police staff and members of The Children’s Society. Together they raised more than £2,500 for Children in Need.

Cheshire East social worker Sandra said: “I’m taking part to keep my feet in reality and to take the opportunity to be part of Children in Need.”

Cheshire police worker Liz said: “I’m putting my money where my mouth is and asking myself if I can do it. I wanted to put myself in their shoes.”

Councillor Rachel Bailey, Cheshire East Cabinet member in charge of children and families, said: “This is a really awesome event, which enables fundraisers to experience at first hand what no young people should ever have to go through – but, sadly, still do across the country.

“This Council is committed to making a difference to the lives of children and young people in our communities.

“We are determined to ensure that Cheshire East is a place where all children and young people thrive, are safe from harm, feel physically and emotionally healthy, have access to outstanding education and feel prepared for and excited about adulthood.”

Cllr George Hayes, the Council’s Cabinet support member for children and families, visited the rough sleepers during the evening to show his support for their efforts.

Cheshire East Council’s housing strategy reflects a strong commitment to early intervention and prevention, by continuing to invest in and improve the effectiveness and response of advice and support services.

Among the initiatives the Council has backed and helped support is the nationwide ‘No Second Night Out’ strategy to tackle rough sleeping.

Cllr Bailey added: “The Council will deliver this through working with partners to ensure prevention of homelessness takes place as early as possible, whenever possible.

“I look forward to continuing to work with everyone involved to continue to prevent, tackle and reduce homelessness across the Borough.”

Amanda Greenwood, participation service coordinator at The Children’s Society in Cheshire, which leads on young people’s participation and engagement in Cheshire East, said:

“Last year’s November Children’s Rights Month was a huge success in highlighting some of the key things every child should be entitled to in order to give them the best chance of a happy and fulfilling upbringing.

“The right to a safe home is a fundamental right for our children and while it is something many of us take for granted this can be an issue for some young people.

“That is why we have worked with partners to organise this ‘rough sleep’, as well as a series of other events throughout November, to further raise awareness of children’s rights and the importance of giving young people a voice in decisions that affect them.”

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