King’s School redevelopment

The fate of Macclesfield’s historic and iconic Cumberland Street site comes before council planning decision makers on Wednesday 29th January.

The King’s school is redeveloping this location as part of its move to Derby Fields, Prestbury. The scheme will change the famous vista forever, with 70+ % of the cricket pitch being lost.

Numerous objections have been sent to the council, including from the Civic Society, Macclesfield Chamber & Guild and other groups about this, about density and design, about serious parking and traffic issues in an already highly congested area, plus other key concerns such as the unnecessary, insensitive and unacceptable demolition of the war memorial pavilion. 

The meeting is at 10am at Macclesfield Town Hall and open to the public. Because the council holds meetings during working hours it’s difficult for many people attend.

The meeting is at 10 am at Macclesfield Town Hall and open to the public. Because the council holds meetings during working hours it’s difficult for many people attend. But you can still be in the room ‘virtually’ by emailing’

Let your voice be heard! Just state your name, address, that you are unable to attend – and the grounds for your objection.

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